
Hi, I’m Kwan #

All views expressed on this site are my own.

I’m a Principal Data Scientist at MoonPay, where I apply data science to fighting fraud.

Previously, I was the Head of Data Science at Moonsense, a behavioral biometrics company with a focus on fraud detection and security.

Before that, I was a Principal Data Scientist at Rapid7, a cybersecurity company.

I am a named inventor of several patents at the intersection of data science and cybersecurity.

Periodically, I get asked to speak at public events about my work.

I hold a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics and International Relations from Brown University.

For more details about my professional background, check out my LinkedIn.

What is this site? #

I do a lot of dabbling. Over the years, I’ve poked at a wide range of things, learned a lot, and forgot most of it along the way.

On more than a few occasions, I’ve thought,

I should probably write down what I’ve learned somewhere so I don’t forget it.

This site is mainly meant to act as a repository for the bits of knowledge I’ve picked up across a wide range of domains. It’s my second brain. I expect that I will regularly forget things and have to reference my old content.

Sometimes, my streams of thought intermingle and become something that feels interesting. When that occurs, I’ll share them in the blog, which I think of as my digital garden.

This site is built using the Hugo framework, the Book Hugo theme, Blogdown (because I’m a huge R fan), and deployed with Netlify.

Let’s stay in touch #