Mac Setup

Mac Setup #

Applications #

A list of applications that I like to install on my Macs:

  • Discord

  • Dropbox

  • Firefox, my current preferred browser.

  • Google Drive

  • Homebrew

  • [iterm2] - I usually install this with Homebrew: brew install --cask iterm2

  • KeePassXC for a self-managed password management system.

  • ohmyzsh - sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  • NordVPN

  • pyenv

  • R (Note: definitely install this from the binary from the R website, otherwise R packages get compiled from source later on)

  • Rstudio

  • Slack

  • system stats, installed with Homebrew: brew install stats

  • tree - installed with Homebrew: brew install tree

  • VS Code

  • Zoom - because who doesn’t use it these days?

Github SSH #

I prefer handling my credentialing with Github via SSH. They have some solid instructions.