Python classes

Simple Example #

class Something:

something_1 = Something()
something_2 = Something()

Instance #

Variables per instance: = "Arnold"
something_1.age = 10 = "Bob"
something_2.age = 20

init method #

Cleaner way to assign variables with classes:

class Something:
  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age

something_1 = Something('Arnold', 10)
something_2 = Something('Bob', 20)

Instantiation automatically runs __init__.

Methods #

Add methods thusly:

class Something:
  def __init__(self, ...):
  def another_method(self):

The another_method might invoke a variable or method from within the class:

  def another_method(self):
    ... ... # assuming gets defined higher up in the __init__ chunk


Regular Methods #

By default, takes instance as first argument (self).

Class Methods #

Class methods act on the class itself.

A class is the first argument in a class method. Convention is to refer to the class variable with name cls.

Set up class method with a decorator (@classmethod).

class Something:
  def __init__(self, ...):

  def some_class_method(cls, <argument>):

    cls.some_variable = some_value

Once defined, use as follows:


This some_class_method works on the entire class, percolates down to instances derived from class.

Class methods can be used as alternative constructors as different ways to create objects.

# alternative constructors

class Something:
  def __init__(self, something1, something2):

  def some_constructor(cls, <argument>):
    out1, out2 = <argument>.<do something> # assuming doing something to the argument creates multiple outputs
    return cls(out1, out2) # basically takes outputs and rolls them into the class

Static Methods #

Method should be a static method if the method doesn’t interact with instance or class anywhere.

General utility method, works on its own in isolation, doesn’t pass any thing (neither instance or class).

No self (static) or cls (class) argument used.

Use @staticmethod decorator to create static method.

class Something:
  def __init__(self, ...):
  def some_static(<argument>):
    ... <argument> ...

Magic Methods #

Inheritance #

Allows ability for a child class to inherit methods or variables from parent class.

Simple example:

class Something:

class SomethingSub(Something):

Tada. That’s it.

The child can now be modified to be different from the parent without affecting the parent.

Possible to explicitly inherit particular elements from the parent, and then introduce other values with the subclass using the super().__init__(<values from parent>).

class SomethingSub(Something):

  def __init__(self, value_from_parent1, value_from_parent2, new_value):
    super().__init(value_from_parent1, value_from_parent2)
    # Something.__init__(self, value_from_parent1, value_from_parent2) # a less clean option

    self.new_value = new_value

# now instantiate
instance_1 = SomethingSub(<valeue1>, <value2>, <new_value_input>)

Method resolution order - the chain of inheritance through classes.

Can find details about inheritance (variables, methods, etc.) with help:


Check if something is an instance of some class or a sub-subclass:

# True
isinstance(instance_1, Something)
isinstance(instance_1, SomethingSub)

Also check if subclass:

# True
issubclass(instance_1, SomethingSub)

Class Variables #

A variable… for a class.

class Something:

  some_variable = <some sort of value>

  def __init__(self, ...):

  def another_method(self):
    ... self.some_variable ...

Namespace #

Check out the namespace:

# for the class

# for an instance