Python Strings

Assign strings using double or single quotes. If string contains a single quote, then use double quotes.

message = 'hello world'

Triple quotes for multiple lines.

long_message = """
Super long
string in a variable
spread across multiple lines.

Quick reference #

Some common string methods.

Method Description Example Input Example Output
str() Convert to string str(1) "1"
len() Count the number of characters in a string len("Bob") 3
.lower() Lowercase everything "BOB".lower() bob
.upper() Uppercase everything "bob".upper() BOB
.count() Count the presence of a string in another string "hello hello".count("hello") 2
.find() Find first index for where some character or string appears. If the thing being sought isn’t present, return -1. "Why hello there".find("hello") 4
<string>.replace(<what to replace>, <replacement>) Replace stuff "Why hello there".replace("there", "you") 'Why hello you'
<string>.zfill(<number of desired digits>) Pad with zeros str(50).zfill(5) '00050'

Combining strings #

<string> + " " + <another string>

Or use formatting (formatted string).

message = '{} , {}'.format(<string1>, <string2>)

Or with fstring, where variables can be inserted directly between curly braces.

f'{<string1>}, {<string2>}.'

Can modify in place with fstring. For example:

f'{<string1>}, {<string2>.upper()}.'