Python dict
<variable> = {'<key1>': '<value1>', '<key2>': '<value2>'}

Values can be anything really.

Select by key #


get() method #

Return a value from a key based on the specified dictionary

example = {

# "apple"

If the key doesn’t exist, get() returns None.

To specify a different default value:

example.get("a", "Some alternative string")

Assign value #

<variable>['key'] = '<value>'

The update() method can replace or create multiple key-value pairs.

<variable>.update({'<key1>': '<value1>', '<key2>': '<value2>'})

Delete #

del <variable>['<key>']

Or pop(), which deletes and also returns value.


Check if a key exists #

Returns True or False

'<some key>' in <variable>.keys()

Show the values #


Show keys and values #


Show all:

for key, value in <variable>.items():
  print(key, value)

Update #

Add elements to dictionaries.


List of dictionaries #

It’s pretty common to have a list full of dictionaries.

Covert list of dictionaries to Pandas dataframe #

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(<list_of_dictionaries>)